Thursday, September 18, 2008

Olde Anglican Quote for the Day

"Take heed to your selves, that you pull not down with a wicked life what you build up with an holie Doctrine. If there be no such thing as Religion, preach it not; if there be live it; if a loose life may be allowed, do not preach against it: and if it may not be allowed, do not live it; be not deceived, and deceive not others. Doe you know the judgement of God that all that commit such things as you do, are worthy of death? then why do you do them? if not, why do you preach the other? Oh preach exactly, and live exactly: as you think all the week how to speak upon Sunday, so resolve upon Sundaie how to live all the week. How curiouslie you preach! Oh how carleslie you live!"

-- Thomas Ken - Ichabod or Five Groans of the Church

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