Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ermengild of Ely

Eormenhilde, Hermynhild) (d. c.700), queen of Mercia, abbess of Ely. She was the daughter of Erconbert, king of Kent, and of his wife *Sexburga, who was sister of *Etheldreda. Ermengild married Wulfhere, king of Mercia (657–74) and son of Penda. She converted her husband and bore him two children, Coenred, king of Mercia 704–9, and *Werburga. After Wulfhere’s death she became a nun at Minster-in-Sheppey, founded by her mother Sexburga. When the latter resigned this abbacy and went to Ely, Ermengild succeeded her at Minster; when Sexburga died at Ely twenty years later, Ermengild became Ely’s third royal abbess in succession. Nothing is known of her rule there, not even the day of her death. Her daughter Werburga succeeded her as abbess of Ely. Ermengild’s cult was extensive, but several pre-Conquest calendars wrongly describe her as a virgin.

Propers for Ermengild of Ely - Abbess

O GOD, by whose grace the blessed Ermengild enkindled with the fire of thy love, became a burning and a shining light in thy Church: Grant that we may be inflamed with the same spirit of discipline and love, and ever walk before thee as children of light; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Epistle - Philippians 3:7-15.

The Gospel - St. Luke 12:22-37.

Reference and Resources:

Farmer, David Hugh (2004-07-22). The Oxford Dictionary of Saints (Oxford Paperback Reference) (p. 176). OUP Oxford. Kindle Edition.

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